youtube life is a rollercoaster

Nothing on this earth happens without a purpose. Let’ start with the low. Last week, my mom and nephew came with myself and our oldest son. Life is kind of like one big, crazy rollercoaster. The steps to take you forward in life doesn’t exist outside but it exists in your mind. "Life Is a Rollercoaster" is a song by Irish singer-songwriter Ronan Keating from his debut solo album, Ronan. We all love rollercoasters, so this was a great group. It's too soon to start writing my memoirs." The experiences that give soothing feelings are termed as good experiences, while the experiences that push you to your limits are termed as bad experiences of life. If you are waiting at a doctor’s office because of another patient… be grateful that you aren’t so sick that you are causing the holdup. When you see the life beyond your individual perception, you will experience different dimensions of life, which is not possible with the individual perception. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube. But when you get into the sleep mode, your perception gets blur in the moment and you miss to see the life with absolute clarity. If you miss an answer on your test, what’s the worst that could happen? Playback options When you embrace life as a whole, you develop a different eye to perceive life. I came down with a stomach bug. Every day, we wake up with the chance to have a great day. Unless you push your limits, you will never realize your true potential. these "Swap Chores for Screen Time" CARDS! I truly think that this is the way that we should be living our lives… and teaching our kids to live their lives. You have to keep up the pace with life. If you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, you probably already know that my life has been a bit of a rollercoaster lately. Sharing of this article is encouraged and appreciated, copying and/or pasting articles to any social media is strictly prohibited. Obtain a greater sense of energy and increase your productivity with functional systems built around you. Just like a roller coaster is designed with hills up & down, and sudden turns, the same goes for our lives. Expand your imagination and look for life beyond your limited perception. Fruits are sweeter when you show patience in life. Not only the good experiences of life but also the experiences that we consider as the painful one. A podcast about the past, present, and future of the events and attractions industry. Life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it I need you, so stop hiding Our love is a mystery, girl, let's get inside it (Hey, baby) You really got me flying tonight (flying tonight) (Hey, sugar, ooh, ooh, ooh) You almost got us punched in a fight (That's all right) But baby, you know the … Life is a rollercoaster – isn’t that what Ronan Keating said in his song a few years back? Professional Organizer We work with you to create calm in your chaos. What is Life-Cycle, and how to Break the Life-Cycle? Every moment wants you to stay alert. So, for now… we must choose our path and then pick to just enjoy the ride. I truly think that this is the way that we should be living our lives… and teaching our kids to live their lives. Daily Habits to Follow, to Realize the Source, Meditation, Happiness, Playfulness and Service. You can experience life in a true sense when you live on the edge. ), How To Make Minion Easter Eggs (Plus What To Put Inside), Kid-Friendly April Fool’s Day Pranks Kids LOVE! Life holds no limitations. Life is like a roller-coaster ride, whereby you will experience all sorts of emotions within the self. What is External Reality and What is Internal Reality? Welcome to Life Is A Rollercoaster! I am the wife to Mickey & the mom to four little blessings! Many times we feel that things should happen when we needed the most, and if the things didn’t turn out that way, we feel frustrated in life. You have to consciously direct your mind in a particular direction. When they are so close to success, they give up. True freedom comes from surrendering to God. To understand the process of life, you have to embrace all different experiences of life. Dear Father God, Please help me to appreciate the season that I’m in right now. Hold till the end. Make the most of your time – spend time with your kids. Its better you take few steps forward, rather taking one step forward and two steps backward. Soon, our children will be grown and I will look back on these busy days and wish for them. It left me feeling … No sooner you will see the silver lining on the path. I'm Becky Mansfield ~ founder of Your Modern Family. be grateful that you weren’t involved in the accident. We lose the chance to see happiness wherever it may lie. Watch the video for Life Is a Rollercoaster from Ronan Keating's 10 Years of Hits for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Can you see the Heaven and Hell at the Moment? Life is a rollercoaster Editors Note: Expert content needs an expert content writer and Yorkshire Powerhouse is pleased to publish this business advice article on coaching and dealing with change, kindly written by a real expert in his field – Andrew Miller from Business Enjoyment. The purpose of this blog is to bring you closer to yourself and help you to connect with the source. Life is like a roller-coaster ride, whereby you will experience all sorts of emotions within the self. When you are actively involved with life and take pro-action you understand the process of life. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2000 CD release of "Life Is A Rollercoaster" on Discogs. But to understand the purpose of life, you have to hold a neutral view towards life. You understand how life unfolds. If you hold your nerves, in such situations, your outcome from your efforts will certainly be sweeter than you have expected. Learn how your comment data is processed. (I do love rollercoasters, even if I am scared at the top of the hill!) Every day, we wake up with the chance to have a great day. The tuning might differ from the song, but I think the chords should be correct. Leave a Comment, ❤️Teach your children to be responsible (soon they will WANT to help out around the house) by teaching them the value of responsibility and hard work with these "Swap Chores for Screen Time" CARDS! The time you wake up, resolve yourself to stay aware of the moment. Life is a rollercoaster Just gotta ride it I need you, ooh So stop hiding Our love is a mystery Girl, let's get inside it (Hey, baby) You've really got me flying tonight (flying tonight) (Hey, sugar, ooh, ooh) You almost got us punched in a fight (that's all right) But, baby you know The one thing I gotta know (know, know) Life is a rollercoaster… you can close your eyes and scream or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride. This post was most recently updated on May 11th, 2020. © Really all of our family can go – there are rides for everyone, so it doesn’t matter the age, but this time, it was just the “thrill-seekers!”   Our younger kids don’t like rollercoasters like our oldest son does. And then there are days that are bad, and it seems like the whole world is falling apart … It’s an adventure trip where you experience all sorts of emotions that can give you fulfillment in life. I think this is true for so many things. If you don’t change the oil in the car tonight, what’s the worse that could happen? Playback options You have to stay alert all the time. The process of life goes on and on. Required fields are marked *. Please try again. It’s our individual mind that differentiates between the experiences of life. Why is the daily process of life important? Our individual perception is limited to our memories of life. You can satisfy yourself just with the feeling of happiness. The Life that Starts at 3.0 a.m. (Brahmakumaris Ashram), The Experience of the state of Pure Consciousness, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and Vital Chakras Activation in the Body. When we overwhelm ourselves with worry, stress, impatience… we underwhelm our souls. Why is dedication and commitment important in life? Here we provide information on almost all the topics related to spirituality. At least Ronan Keating, fledgling solo artist and lead singer of Irish pop sensation Boyzone, is honest from the start of his biography Life is A Rollercoaster when he confesses: "I'm only 23, so this is not exactly what you'd call an autobiography! When I feel like I see our kids starting to worry or when I feel my husband’s stress, I ask them “What is the worst thing that could happen?”. No matter what life brings you, it comes from life as a whole. I am Roshan Sharma. How to Experience the Pure Consciousness? Shambhavi MahaMudra : A powerful technique of Meditation. So at no point in time, you can conclude that the things are over. 1 talking about this. Life's a Roller Coaster is a professional home organizer with the goal of creating calm in chaos. How can I be spiritual but not religious? When we prepare ourselves to embrace life with all its colors, we develop an eye of an observer. As good of a week I had life isn’t all good and the weekend served as timely reminder to that. Life is a rollercoaster… you can close your eyes and scream or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride. ❤️. You learn what you missed and you study it again. You just cannot have a sigh of relief. They apologize and accept the punishment (run a few laps at practice, read what they missed for homework), Now I want you to think about the other side of things…. When you are alert you see all the different movements of life. The life is constantly moving and you too have to move with it. Our sessions […] This perspective separates us from the actual truth of life. Don’t give up in the middle. Easter Basket Stuffers that your kids will LOVE! ❤️. When you accept what life brings to you, you learn to remain unaffected by the changing nature of life. Download full track on: Keating - Life Is A Rollercoaster Lord, may I embrace all that You have for me in this season and never forget that no matter where my life is on this roller coaster ride, You’re in charge of the journey. It’s not limited to happiness, nor its limited to the sadness. This Is Kate Ashby Music Video & She Sings Life Is A Rollercoaster. If you are stuck in traffic because of an accident…. However.. on every ride, I would scream while Jack and Dylan would throw their hands up and just enjoy every second of it. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Filed Under: YourModernFamily Tagged With: carowinds, kids, Your email address will not be published. I love to share my organization tips, kid ideas, money-saving tips and recipes with you. We’ll help you to declutter, simplify, restore and organize. That’s how I feel at the moment, the past 20 months have been mental, so much has happened. I am a teacher turned play therapist and stay at home Mom. If your child is late somewhere, what’s the worst that could happen? If you find that you are struggling in some area… remember that you are still alive, so enjoy this ride that you are on. Hi, When you commit yourself to move forward, positive signs are always on the way. Put your hands up & enjoy the ride. You need to learn to stretch till the end. It starts off peacefully, fills you with excitement and loads of anticipation, and sends you flying downward at what seems like 100 miles an hour, only to send you back racing up hill. Now back to the title, life is a rollercoaster and as we know a rollercoaster will have its ups and it’s downs. After The Song Ends The Crowd Beat Her Up & Blow Her Up & Made Her Flew Over City Of Perry. When you get into the process of life, you not only experience the high’s but you also experience the low phase in your life. (Hey, baby) You've really got my tail in a spin (Hey, baby) I don't even know where to begin But, baby, I got Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube. If you imagine the life to behave in a certain way, then certainly you will get into the delusion of life. I work at ModernAgeSpirituality. MORE POSTS YOU MIGHT LIKE:  (click the image below). Hi! Life is not limited to our individual perception. Sometimes the line of success remains so near, but people put their hands down before the line. If you know how to take yourself forward, the life will show you the ways to move forward. Name: Alex Hetland Tabs: RONAN KEATING: LIFE IS A ROLLERCOASTER This is an easy song that is fun to sing along to. Don’t let these days just slip away without seeing the good in them. Dream meanings – What Are Your Dreams Telling You. We have been taking just one or two kids with us at a time and really trying to enjoy that time with them. With life, everything holds a purpose. Content and photographs are copyright protected. The Independent Mind: Learning to Live a Life of Freedom, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). When you keep on chasing life, you see life running away from you. To expand your imagination, its necessary that you take time for yourself and consciously think. When you see the situations or events of your life with clarity, you won’t get carried away by the chaos of the moment, rather you will face the challenges of life with more confidence. This summer, Mickey and I got season tickets to Carowinds, an amusement park near our house. Watch the video for Life Is a Rollercoaster from Ronan Keating's 10 Years of Hits for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. When you have a laid-back attitude, you call yourself into trouble. There are days that are good, and everything seems to be going your way. The value of happiness can only come out of suffering. ). We can know that the Master has a plan and He won’t let this rollercoaster get off the track! (No Tears, only Smiles! It only exist in our individual perception. When you direct your mind in a particular direction and consciously think in that direction, you tend to see the future path into your mind. How to Solve Issues with Astrology Predictions? The acceptance is needed for both the phases of life. At the same time, if you slow down your pace with life, you will not only see the present life with clarity, but you will also figure out the path to move forward. Some people are struggling for joy, while others want to get rid of pain and suffering. I'd like to receive the free email course. Life is not limited to particular experiences, but it gives you all sorts of experiences so that you can experience life as a whole. Overall the life is good. First off we had an ectopic pregnancy, closely followed by a missed miscarriage which resulted in surgery – stressful enough in themselves but that’s a story for a different day. Life is a rollercoaster (Ronan Keating) - TEN SING Dassel Seminar 2013 - 6.4.2013 When you closely observe life, you will notice that people give up at the end. You change it tomorrow. Patience is a key to such situations. Improve the quality of your life through the expertise of a professional organizer in your home. You don’t have to worry about the problems, rather commit yourself to keep moving forward, and you will come up the solution for your problems on the path. It’s only when you go through pain or suffering, you start valuing joy and happiness. It’s an adventure trip where you experience all sorts of emotions that can give you fulfillment in life. I was reading a book the other day that said when we overwhelm our schedules, we underwhelm our souls. How to declutter your home RIGHT NOW to reduce anxiety, DIY Easter Baskets Fillers (that don’t come from a store), DIY Easter Bunny Footprints & Bunny Tracks (and a bunny letter! This site contains Amazon affiliate and Google Adsense Links that generates commission for us, that helps us to keep site up and running. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. There was an error submitting your subscription. 488 talking about this. These will allow you to hold clarity in the moment. No matter what the present situation suggests, keep yourself moving towards your goals. Your email address will not be published. It’s not limited to happiness, nor its limited to the sadness. Lyrics to 'Life Is A Rollercoaster' by Ronan Keating. They truly embrace what I want my life to be like… there’s not much you can do once you are on the ride, so just enjoy it.
youtube life is a rollercoaster 2021