peter langhammer psychiatrie
(doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-12-168), Craig, L.E., Wu, O. , Gilmour, H., Barber, M. and Langhorne, P. 318-328. CD006073. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 28(3), Mobility-Related Care After Stroke in the Rwandan and South African Context: Identifying Opportunities for Improvement Through the Organized Stroke Care Across Income Levels (OSCAIL) Study. Peter Langhammer और अपने अन्य परिचितों से जुड़ने के लिए Facebook में शामिल करें. 491. e62597. (PMID:26658193) e008378. Motor recovery after stroke: a systematic review. Peter has 3 jobs listed on their profile. (doi: 10.1177/1747493016674956) Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial. Poor outcome in primary intracerebral haemorrhage: results of a matched comparison. (2008) 979-984. (PMCID:PMC6921946), Mooijaart, S. P. et al. What's in a name? The REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART) after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Langhorne, P. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46, BMC Health Services Research, 15, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2007(4), Interventions for visual field defects in people with stroke. (PMID:24418965), Poggesi, A. et al. Stroke, 46(4), Stroke, 40(4), Ropele, S. et al. (doi: 10.1161/01.STR.0000126890.63512.41). (PMID:24723116), Pollock, A., Gray, C., Culham, E., Durward, B. R. and Langhorne, P. Predictors of early neurological deterioration after ischaemic stroke: A case-control study. (2018) (doi: 10.1159/000320855), Langhorne, P. , Bernhardt, J. and Kwakkel, G. 2891-2895. Early mobilization after stroke: an example of an individual patient data meta-analysis of a complex intervention. (2018) 677-678. What are the components of effective stroke unit care? View the profiles of people named Peter Lang II. Does the organization of postacute stroke care really matter? Hughes, T., Langhorne, P. and Sellars, C. pp. Repetitive arm functional tasks after stroke (RAFTAS): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Forster, A., Young, J., Lambley, R. and Langhorne, P. Interventions for improving upper limb function after stroke. Data from the OSCAIL Study on Time from Stroke Onset to Presentation at 3 Public African Hospitals: Two in Rwanda and One in South Africa. PLoS ONE, 8(5), 48-54. Services for reducing duration of hospital care for acute stroke patients. An algorithm was developed to assign GRADE levels of evidence to comparisons within systematic reviews. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Peter’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Stroke, 40(4), (PMID:26578661), Brkic, L., Shaw, L., van Wijck, F., Francis, R., Price, C., Forster, A., Langhorne, P. , Watkins, C. and Rodgers, H. CD008179. pp. (2011) 321-327. Statistical analysis plan for the family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND) trial: a multicenter randomized controlled trial of a new model of stroke rehabilitation compared to usual care. pp. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(04)15434-2). FAmily-led rehabiliTaTion aftEr stroke in INDia: the ATTEND pilot study. (2007) (2014) Controlling ecological bias in evidence synthesis of trials reporting on collapsed and overlapping covariate categories. pp. Key ARC: Autism Research Centre BCNI: Behavioural & Clinical Neurosciences Institute BHRU: Behavioural & Health Research Unit BMU: Brain Mapping Unit BRC: Biomedical Research Centre (Cambridge) CIDDRG: Cambridge Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Group CLAHRC: Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough) DLRG: Developmental Lifecourse Research Group IMS: Institute of Metabolic Science NSPN: Neuroscience & Psychiatry Network (Ext): Denotes external to the Department *Inter-departmental initiative MRC-CBU: MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, NeuroScience in Psychiatry Network (NSPN), Cognitive Mechanisms in Learning and Development, Child and Adolescent Resilience and Mental Health, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research group, Department of Experimental Psychology (ext), Behavioural & Clinical Neurosciences Institute, Intellectual & Developmental disabilities Research group, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Group, Jeff Dalley (jointly held with Department of Experimental Psychology). Langhorne, P., Legg, L., Pollock, A. and Sellars, C. CD000106. pp. The main components of stroke unit care: What is the question? p. 38. Temporal trends and risk factors for readmission for infections, gastrointestinal and immobility complications after an incident hospitalisation for stroke in Scotland between 1997 and 2005. (2018) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(6), Click here to find personal data about Langhamer including phone numbers, addresses, directorships, electoral roll information, related property prices and other useful information. Cardiovascular risk factors indirectly affect acute post-stroke cognition through stroke severity and prior cognitive impairment: A moderated mediation analysis. (PMID:26079661), Ponomarev, D., Miller, C. , Govan, L. , Haig, C. , Wu, O. and Langhorne, P. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0151-0), Langhorne, P. and Rudd, A.G. (doi: 10.1177/2396987321997045) (doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.108.825968), French, B., Thomas, L.H., Leathley, M.J., Sutton, C.J., McAdam, J.A., Forster, A., Langhorne, P. , Price, C.I.M., Walker, A. and Watkins, C.L. Physiotherapy treatment approaches for the recovery of postural control and lower limb function following stroke: a systematic review. (2018) (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31363-5) (2013) International Journal of Stroke, 8(1), e202. Challenges in integrating international evidence relating to stroke rehabilitation: experiences from a Cochrane systematic review. (PMID:25591718) p. 821. British Medical Journal, 323(7317), pp. Michael Langhammer was born on month day 1944, at birth place, to Irmgard Judith Ambrosch (born Langhammer). (2005) Data from the OSCAIL Study on Time from Stroke Onset to Presentation at 3 Public African Hospitals: Two in Rwanda and One in South Africa. Socioeconomic status and transient ischaemic attack / stroke: a prospective observational study. No places to show. The impact of stroke nurse specialist input on risk factor modification: a randomised controlled trial. 337-339. 2402-2403. (2004) Further analysis of a systematic review. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009051) Non-pharmacological interventions for caregivers of stroke survivors. (2018) Join Facebook to connect with Peter Langham and others you may know. pp. Characterization of Strokes Admitted to Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa During the Baseline Phase of the OSCAIl Study. Stroke liaison workers for stroke patients and carers: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Predictive value of newly detected atrial fibrillation paroxysms in patients with acute ischemic stroke, for atrial fibrillation after 90 days. or. Stroke, 49(2), (doi: 10.1177/0269215515589331) (PMID:25387001) (2010) Ellis, G. and Langhorne, P. pp. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. AVERT Scotland: introducing a very early rehabilitation trial (AVERT) to Scotland [POSTER]. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 1(1), Dr Anthony Peter Dr Arif Ahmed Dr Baljeet Saluja Dr Chukwuma Oraegbunam Dr Manoj Rajagopal Dr Salman Karim Dr Sheeba Ninan Consultants in Old AgePsychiatry - East Dr Albert Swana Dr Christopher Linton Dr Jameel Hussain Dr Judith Ngowi Dr Mitu Dhall Dr Prashant Kukkadapu Dr Shanker Waghray Dr Varinderbir Singh Consultants in Old Age Psychiatry - Harbour Dr Adnan Gharib-Omar Dr Andrew … (2011) pp. pp. Langhammer’s particular strengths lie in the modular design of their units in the areas of palletizing, pallet transport, and consumer goods handling technology. pp. (2007) p. 464. Wu, O. et al. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2(5), Reliability (inter-rater agreement) of the Barthel index for assessment of stroke survivors: systematic review and meta-analysis. A systematic review of repetitive functional task practice with modelling of resource use, costs and effectiveness. CD006211. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(4), 608-613. Oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, thrombophilias and risk of venous thromboembolism: a systematic review The Thrombosis: Risk and Economic Assessment of Thrombophilia Screening (TREATS) Study. About Peter Langhammer. Langhorne, P., Sandercock, P. and Prasad, K. Langhorne, P. and Rodgers, H. Bringing stroke clinical guidelines to life. (doi:10.1177/1747493018789543), Hamilton, L. et al. pp. CD000356. (doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-1244-y) CD000106). Series: Oxford desk reference series. International Journal of Stroke, 10(6), p. 74. PLoS Medicine, 10(6), , Smith, L.N. (doi: 10.1111/ijs.12041) Exploring threats to generalisability in a large international rehabilitation trial (AVERT). (2004) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(7), Shepperd, S., Doll, H., Broad, J., Gladman, J., Iliffe, S., Langhorne, P., Richards, S., Martin, F. and Harris, R. Lancet, 365(9458), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-11-38), Brady, M.C., Stott, D.J. 89-92. (2019) Lancet, 363(9412), (2004) (2010) Stroke, 38(7), (2020) Physical rehabilitation approaches for the recovery of function and mobility following stroke. pp. The purpose of rating quality of evidence differs in an overview, as compared to guidelines or recommendations. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 82(6), Explicit priority setting in clinical guidelines: the next frontier? pp. (doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2009.195131), Langhorne, P. , Stott, D. , Knight, A., Bernhardt, J., Barer, D. and Watkins, C. A retrospective propensity score-matched analysis using administrative data of hospital-at-home for older people in Scotland. (2007) Early neurological deterioration in acute stroke. 1113-1115. 2441-2442. (2016) Early supported discharge: An idea whose time has come? Michael Langhammer, 1944 - 1945 Michael Langhammer 1944 1945. Statistical analysis plan (SAP) for A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial (AVERT): an international trial to determine the efficacy and safety of commencing out of bed standing and walking training (very early mobilization) within 24 h of stroke onset vs. usual stroke unit care. Stroke, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in a nationally representative sample of 1,424,378 patients in Scotland: implications for treatment burden. pp. Interventions for visual field defects in patients with stroke. Reliability (inter-rater agreement) of the Barthel index for assessment of stroke survivors: systematic review and meta-analysis. Where do we Start (the OSCAIL study). (PMID:26739268) (doi: 10.1177/2396987316651759) Age and Ageing, 34(4), (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.519553), Lewsey, J.D. GRIP - Das Motormagazin. International Journal of Stroke, 9(8), Screening mammography: setting the record straight. (doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008390.pub2), Quinn, T.J. and Langhorne, P. (2013) CD000443. p. 23. Clinical and cost effectiveness of enhanced oral healthcare in stroke care settings (SOCLE II): a pilot, stepped wedge, cluster randomized, controlled trial protocol. International Journal of Stroke, 5(6), Crawford, F. and Langhorne, P. No info to show. 52. When should rehabilitation begin after stroke? Organized inpatient (stroke unit) care for stroke. (PMCID:PMC6527981), McDermid, I., Barber, M., Dennis, M., Langhorne, P. , Macleod, M. J., McAlpine, C. H. and Quinn, T. J. Journal of Neurology, 261(6), pp. Decision to insert an indwelling urinary catheter in newly diagnosed stroke patients. 761-775. (2013) International Journal of Stroke, 10(6), Medical day hospital care for older people versus alternative forms of care. pp. Protocol for process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of family-led rehabilitation post stroke (ATTEND) in India. (2018) Speech and language therapy for dysarthria due to nonprogressive brain damage: a systematic Cochrane review. pp. pp. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(3), Whithead, M.A., McManus, J., McAlpine, C. and Langhorne, P. pp. Demos Medical Publishing, pp. pp. Approaches to economic evaluations of stroke rehabilitation. A systematic review of the clinical trials. Early supported discharge trialists. World Stroke Congress 2018, Montréal, QC, Canada, 17-20 Oct 2018. Stroke, 49(2), Michael passed away in month 1983, at age 84. Developing and evaluating the implementation of a complex intervention: using mixed methods to inform the design of a randomised controlled trial of an oral healthcare intervention after stroke. French, B., Thomas, L., Leathley, M., Sutton, C., McAdam, J., Forster, A., Langhorne, P., Price, C., Walker, A. and Watkins, C. (2016) 3750-3751. (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.678615), Gallacher, K. et al. (PMCID:PMC6567399), English, C., Bayley, M., Hill, K., Langhorne, P. , Molag, M., Ranta, A., Solomon, J. M., Turner, T. and Campbell, B. C.V. pp. (PMID:29514597) (2009) Honorary Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. (2018) (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30840-2) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, (2011) c. 1912 - Unknown 1912 - Unknown. (doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcp012). (PMID:29316892) Occupational therapy for adults with problems in activities of daily living after stroke. Quantitation of brain tissue changes associated with white matter hyperintensities by diffusion-weighted and magnetization transfer imaging: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and Disability in the Elderly) study. pp. (2019) Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2, (PMCID:PMC6517132), Bidulka, P., Bosch, J., Hamilton, L., DePaul, V., Urimubenshi, G. , Katsoulis, L., Langhorne, P. , O'Donnell, M. and Pandian, J. His main research interests focus on the management of stroke (such as stroke unit care and early supported discharge services) and early recovery after stroke. (2020) Jörg-Peter Langhammer Chairman of the EuPIA Plastics Recycling Task Force. pp. Developing and validating a predictive model for stroke progression. BMJ Open, 9, (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.107.487231), Langhorne, P. Barthel index for stroke trials: development, properties, and application. Stroke, 50(5), (2007) (2014) Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. The Effect of Loss to Follow-up on Estimating Post-Stroke Function and Mortality in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Lessons from the OSCAIL Study. (2019) pp. Key Performance Indicators of Quality Stroke Care and their Association With Patient Outcomes: a Systematic Literature Review. pp. (2013) Multidisciplinary care for elderly people in the community. pp. (PMID:24206656), Bernhardt, J., Langhorne, P. , Lindley, R. I., Thrift, A. G., Ellery, F., Collier, J., Churilov, L., Moodie, M., Dewey, H. and Donnan, G. Stroke units in their natural habitat - Systematic review of observational studies. Lancet, 371(9614), Rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home: systematic review of randomised trials. CD007232. pp. (2017) JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association. pp. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Peter’s connections and jobs at similar companies. (doi: 10.1161/01.STR.0000137766.17092.fb). Stroke, 39(8), (doi: 10.1186/s13195-020-00653-y) ISBN 9780199592340, Craig, L.E., Wu, O. , Bernhardt, J. and Langhorne, P. Services for reducing duration of hospital care for acute stroke patients. Interventions for improving upper limb function after stroke. Stott, D. J. et al. European stroke organisation recommendations to establish a stroke unit and stroke center. Stroke, 38(6), Alzheimer's and Dementia, 14(3), (doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd010820.pub2) AVERT trial data. (PMID:26769255), Luker, J. (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.670430), Stott, D.J. 61-68. Does the prevention of complications explain the survival benefit of organized inpatient (stroke unit) care? (PMID:25858238), Turner, M., Barber, M., Dodds, H., Murphy, D., Dennis, M., Langhorne, P. and Macleod, M.-J. (doi: 10.1177/1747493019833015) (2015) pp. (doi: 10.2340/16501977-0042). Co-ordinated multidisciplinary approaches for inpatient rehabilitation of older patients with proximal femoral fractures (Withdrawn Paper. pp. Elevated Troponin after Stroke: A Systematic Review. , Young, C., Howe, T., Quinn, T.J. and Langhorne, P. (doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003585.pub2), Singh, G., Wu, O. , Langhorne, P. and Madhok, R. Simultaneous bilateral training for improving arm function after stroke. Association of gait and balance disorders with age-related white matter changes. Age- and sex-specific trends in fatal incidence and hospitalized incidence of stroke in Scotland, 1986 to 2005. Risk factors for chest infection in acute stroke: a prospective cohort study. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60325-5), Langhorne, P. and Stott, D. (2012) (PMID:31350296), Al-Shahi Salman, R. et al. pp. Langhorne, P. and Widen-Holmqvist, L. Physical rehabilitation approaches for the recovery of function and mobility after Stroke: major opdate. (doi: 10.1111/ijs.12423), Bernhardt, J. et al. 130-137. Early recurrence of cerebrovascular events after transient ischaemic attack. (2014) British Medical Journal, 330(7487), Evidence behind stroke rehabilitation. 69-74. Occupational therapy for patients with problems in personal activities of daily living after stroke: systematic review of randomised trials. pp. (2017) Trials, 17, (2009) Geyer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(4), (PMCID:PMC5030603), Bernhardt, J., Churilov, L., Ellery, F., Collier, J., Chamberlain, J., Langhorne, P. , Lindley, R. I., Moodie, M., Dewey, H. and Thrift, A. G. Further analysis of a systematic review. systematic review and meta-analysis. (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.613554), Legg, L.A., Quinn, T.J. , Mahmood, F., Weir, C.J., Tierney, J., Stott, D.J. (doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-2542-6) (2008) Langhorne, P. British Medical Journal, 320, Early rehabilitation after stroke. Lancet, 388(10046), World Stroke Congress 2018, Montréal, QC, Canada, 17-20 Oct 2018. pp. European Stroke Journal, 3(4), Stroke, 44(3), pp. CD010820. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23(4), Sex differences in incidence, mortality, and survival in individuals with stroke in Scotland, 1986 to 2005. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Zobrazit profily lidí, kteří se jmenují Pete Langhamer. (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.109.557645), Lewsey, J. et al. pp. p. 241. Cochrane Library, 2009(1), and Bernhardt, J. Peter Langham is on Facebook. Cochrane Stroke Group: twenty years of evidence-based stroke medicine. (PMCID:PMC4742519), Turner, M., Barber, M., Dodds, H., Dennis, M., Langhorne, P. and Macleod, M.-J. Co-ordinated multidisciplinary approaches for inpatient rehabilitation of older patients with proximal femoral fractures (Withdrawn Paper. (2009) Non-pharmacological interventions for caregivers of stroke survivors. (doi: 10.1177/0269215518777565) 4-8. Walter Langhammer was born in Graz, Austria in 1905. pp. 828-840. Oral care after stroke: Where are we now? (PMCID:PMC6301233), O'Donnell, M. J. et al. (2007) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012(9), Oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, thrombophilias and risk of venous thromboembolism: a systematic review. In: Gosney, M., Harper, A. and Conroy, S. Stroke, 44(9), (PMID:31128924) Therapy-based rehabilitation for stroke patients living at home. AVERT Scotland: introducing a very early rehabilitation trial (AVERT) to Scotland [POSTER]. and Quinn, T.J. Barber, M., Langhorne, P. , Rumley, A., Lowe, G.D.O. (PMCID:PMC4654305), Kishore, A. K. et al. ISBN 9781620700068, Langhorne, P. Interventions for age-related visual problems in patients with stroke. (PMID:26111886), Turner, M., Barber, M., Dodds, H., Dennis, M., Langhorne, P. and Macleod, M. J. 46-55. (2002) pp. pp. h6432. 2536-2540. VISTA-Rehab: A resource for stroke rehabilitation trials. (2007) pp. Lancet, 396(10260), (PMCID:PMC3892120), Gallacher, K. I. , Batty, G. D., McLean, G., Mercer, S. W. , Guthrie, B., May, C. R., Langhorne, P. and Mair, F. S. Current City and Hometown. Lancet, 363(9406), (2008) 2138-2145. (PMID:29864018), Weir, C. J., Butcher, I., Assi, V., Lewis, S. C., Murray, G. D., Langhorne, P. and Brady, M. C. (PMID:27115388), Pollock, A., Farmer, S. E., Brady, M. C., Langhorne, P. , Mead, G. E., Mehrholz, J., van Wijck, F. and Wiffen, P. J. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(5), Does the organization of postacute stroke care really matter? Cerebrovascular Diseases, 28(2), pp. Family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND): a randomised controlled trial. (doi: 10.1177/2396987319851335) (2013) pp. pp. pp. Zobrazit profily lidí, kteří se jmenují Petr Langhammer. pp. As medical director, Dr Lewis will play a key role in advising our board on medical policy and direction. 81-88. 94-95. Repetitive task training for improving functional ability after stroke. A retrospective propensity score-matched analysis using administrative data of hospital-at-home for older people in Scotland. Comment. Stroke, 35(11), (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008378) Implementing a complex rehabilitation intervention in a stroke trial: a qualitative process evaluation of AVERT.