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-Does It Hurt? CMG helps you navigate through and effectively manage the licensing process, while providing peace of mind that you have addressed all the outstanding clearance concerns. – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1970 – The Optimists Névrosé mais doué, cet antihéros est resté, à ses propres yeux, un homme sans personnalité réelle. Réputé pour ses talents de transformiste, il utilise les accents et les maquillages les plus divers, et joue volontiers des rôles multiples. His first movie roles were in ‘Penny Points to Paradise’ (1951) and ‘Let's Go Crazy’ (1951). Britt Ekland (1964-68). File Name: Ph0n Phonebook ; Author: Bastiaan Bakker, Richard; License: Freeware (Free) File Size: Runs on: Windows. -Murder by Death -There’s a Girl in My Soup D'abord vedette comique dans son pays, il accède à la notoriété internationale dans les années 1960. Watch movies online for free, share your favorites and much more! – The Wrong Box, 1964 DISC 1: THE PINK PANTHER. His film career changed for the better after ‘The Naked Truth’ (1957) and ‘Up the Creek’ (1958). A filmek a jelenlegi népszerűség szerint vannak rendezve, így mindig azokat a filmeket találod elől amelyet a legtöbben tekintenek meg mostanában. -The World of Henry Orient Legjelentősebb szerepe Clouseau felügyelő a Rózsaszín Párduc filmsorozatokból. Peter Sellers, CBE (* 8. Han fik tre børn: Michae Familie. Spirale : L'Héritage de Saw Bande-annonce VO, général Latour/Major Robinson/Herr Schroeder/Hitler/le président/prince Kyoto, Le capitaine Lionel Mandrake / Le président Merkin Muffley / Docteur Folamour, Tully Bascombe / Gloriana XII / Comte Mountjoy, Groucho Marx / Giuseppe / Cedric / Izzy Gozzunk / Crystal Jollibottom. -Being There -The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu, 1979 – Woman Times Seven ), ismert nevén Peter Sellers, brit színész, komikus. 1980 Richard Henry Sellers (Southsea, Hampshire, 1925. szeptember 8. We’re taking a close look at what we think are his top five career defining films, The Ladykillers (1955), I’m Alright Jack (1959), The Pink Panther (1963), Dr. Strangelove (1964) and Being There (1979). – A Day at the Beach : Filmographie Robert De Niro, Filmographie Brad Pitt, Contact | De ses débuts jusqu'à la fin de ses 30 ans de carrière. – Hoffman He played multiple roles in such movies as The Mouse That Roared and Dr. Strangelove, and he … En FULLTV il 42 films à ce jour liés à cette star de cinéma. Richard Henry Sellers, dit Peter Sellers, né le 8 septembre 1925 dans le quartier de Southsea à Portsmouth et mort le 24 juillet 1980 à Londres, est un acteur britannique. Miranda Quarry (1970-74). Refine search. Les aventures d'un jardinier de … -The Return of the Pink Panther, 1973 Best of the Muppet Show: Vol. videos: 0. Revue de presse | Often credited as the greatest comedian of all time, Peter Sellers was born Richard Henry Sellers to a well-off acting family in 1925 in Southsea, a suburb of Portsmouth. – Dr. Strangelove Reliable and reasonably fast shipping to the US, I might add, by Amazon.uk and the Royal Mail. – Carol for Another Christmas Sellers wasn't the bumbling idiot-savant he is so famous for in the Pink Panther films by any means, but the seeds are there. [redigér på Wikidata] Richard Henry Sellers (født 8. september 1925, død 24. juli 1980) kendt som Peter Sellers, var en engelsk skuespiller og komiker. – The Pink Panther Lynne Frederick (1977-80). With Peter Sellers, Claudine Longet, Natalia Borisova, Jean Carson. Bienvenue Mister Chance. Peter Sellers and Britt Ekland. Richard Henry Sellers (* 8. september 1925, Southsea, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 24. júl 1980, Londýn) známejší pod menom Peter Sellers bol britský komik, talentovaný herec a účinkujúci na The Goon Show (dlho vysielaná rozhlasová show na BBC, 1951 – 1960).. Narodil sa v rodine varietných zabávačov. Ex. 1979-Being There-The Prisoner of Zenda. Titre original Being There. - London, 1980. július 24. Peter Sellers. Un inspecteur un peu maboule et un psychopate qui balance des bombes ! -Best of the Muppet Show Peter Sellers (născut Richard Henry Sellers n. 8 septembrie 1925, Southsea, Anglia, Regatul Unit – d. 24 iulie 1980, City of Westminster, Anglia, Regatul Unit) a fost un actor englez de film. categories.filme-in-deutsch. He then acted in small roles in movies like ‘Down Among the Z Men’ (1952), ‘John and Julie’ (1955), and ‘The Ladykillers’ (1955). ©AlloCiné, Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : 0 892 892 892 (0,34€/minute), Découvrez toute la filmographie de Peter Sellers, Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous. 3 octobre 2012. 1980-The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu. -The Pink Panther Strikes Again, 1974 Visit our c group page today! Peter Sellers' hjemmeside: Information med symbolet hentes fra Wikidata. Juli 1980 in London), war ein britischer Komiker und Filmschauspieler. Directed by Blake Edwards. This was his last, and possibly, best out of a string of critical and commercial successes through the 70’s. Publicité | -Soft Beds, Hard Battles Film comique de Jack Arnold avec Peter Sellers, Jean Seberg, Timothy … –  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Ghost in the Noonday Sun Cast: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden. 1978-Kingdom of Gifts (voice) 1977-Best of British Film Comedy-To See Such Fun. Date de parution. Advertisement . -The Great McGonagall – Caccia alla volpe Sort by. 1982 – Trail of the Pink Panther. Dessen charakteristische deutsche Synchronstimme wurde von Georg Thomalla (ausgenomme… In its fourth decade of licensing and clearing intellectual property rights, CMG Worldwide is the recognized leader in its field. Comédie, Criminel. Découvrez tous les films de la filmographie de Peter Sellers. – The Party, 1967 Politique de cookies | His parents worked in an acting company run by his grandmother. ?», «?The Party?», «?La Panthère Rose?», «?Quand la Panthère Rose s’emmêle?», «?Les dessous de la Millionaire?», «?The Dock Brief?», «?Penny Points to Paradise?» et «?Let’s Go Crazy?». 1988. Peter Sellers legjobb filmjei. Get ready for non-stop laughs as the great Peter Sellers plays his most beloved character, Inspector Jacques Clouseau, in these six films from writer/director Blake Edwards! La souris qui rugissait. Devastating black comedy on the lunacy of the nuclear age with Sellers ideally cast in three roles (US President, jolly Brit captain, and demented teutonic boffin) and Slim Pickens the good ole boy heading for oblivion to a chorus of 'We'll Meet Again'. In retrospect, the same could be said of Director Hal Ashby. 1978 –Revenge of the Pink Panther. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963) Peter Sellers would have been 91 years-old on 9 September 2016 and in the 36 years since his death, his reputation as a comic genius has remained solid. Le succès du film est tel que le producteur, la Mirisch Company, produira neuf films dont six avec Peter Sellers dans le rôle de l'inspecteur Clouseau : 1963 : La Panthère rose (The Pink Panther) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers ; 1964 : Quand l'inspecteur s'emmêle (A Shot in the Dark) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers ; Der Spezialist für Auftritte in den unterschiedlichsten Rollen und Verkleidungen wurde spätestens als trotteliger Inspektor Clouseau in der Filmreihe Der rosarote Panther bekannt. Being There should have been Peter Sellers last movie, instead, his final credit was the cringe worthy The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu. DISC 4: THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN. Peter Sellers was a British actor and comedian who started his career on BBC radio as part of the ‘The Goon Show’. Sinead Cusack, who starred with him in 1970 film Hoffman, told the new BBC2 documentary: “Peter did ask me to marry him. -To See Such Fun, 1976 -Best of British Film Comedy Qui sommes-nous | -The Prisoner of Zenda, 1977 A clerical mistake results in a bumbling Indian film star being invited to an exclusive Hollywood party instead of being fired. – Simon Simon, 1968 Bravo pour ta prestation dans Docteur Folamour ! 10 Essential Peter Sellers Films You Need To Watch Posted on July 11, 2014 July 11, 2014 by Alex Moore Considered by many to be one of the greatest comedic actors of all time, the enigmatic personality, Peter Sellers, created a body of work that spanned three decades and within that time (also) created some of the most memorable performances in the history of film. Films Toolbar v.4.5.183 . – With Love, Sophia, 1966 A több film gombra kattintva betöltheted az összes filmet amelyben Peter Sellers szerepelt vagy részt vett a film elkészülésében. Les films de Peter Sellers - Liste des films mettant en vedette Peter Sellers. – Casino Royale Données Personnelles | Directed byBlake Edwards Produced byBlake Edwards Written by Blake Edwards Tom Waldman Frank Waldman Starring Peter Sellers Claudine Longet Music byHenry Mancini CinematographyLucien Ballard Edited byRalph E. Winters Production company The Mirisch Corporation Distributed byUnited Artists Release date April 4, 1968 … Sellers se stal známým vystupováním v BBC Radio v komediálním seriálu The Goon Show.Jeho schopnost napodobovat různé akcenty (např. Menu Home; About. – After the Fox Il a notamment interpr… – The Blockhouse – Undercovers Hero, 1972 – The Bobo Métier : Acteur. Ph0n (pronounced Peter Sellers style) is a web enabled phonebook application for large telephone directories (1.000.000 records and up). Retrouvez dans ce coffret une sélection de 8 films de Peter Sellers : «?Quoi de neuf, Pussycat ? Advertisement. It is interesting, and fun, to see Peter Sellers in the early films. Les services AlloCiné | DISC 3: THE RETURN OF THE PINK PANTHER. This set is well-produced with nice, clean transfers which certainly look re-mastered for DVD. September 1925 als Richard Henry Sellers in Portsmouth; 24. DISC 2: A SHOT IN THE DARK. Language Subtitle. Recrutement | Peter Sellers: 10 essential films. 4 (Peter Sellers / John Cleese / Dudley Moore) by Jim Henson It is built upon on MySQL and JSP and Servlet technology. Still alarmingly relevant. The Official Website of Peter Sellers. Preslávil sa hlavne v úlohe inšpektora Clouseau vo filme Ružový Panter Peter Sellers, Actor: Being There. Cliquez sur le titre pour regarder chaque film. Peter Sellers var gift fire gange: Anne Howe (1951-61). He was the son of Agnes Doreen "Peg" (Marks) and William "Bill" Sellers. De La panthère rose à Dr. Folamour, Peter Sellers a excellé dans des rôles démesurés. – A Shot in the Dark. Ce catalogue ne contient que les films complets où Peter Sellers tenant le premier rôle, pas contient des films dans lesquels Peter Sellers a eu participations mineures. Préférences cookies | We've got everything you're looking for on our Veoh.com c group page. – I Love You, Alice B. Toklas! Peter Sellers, versatile English comic actor noted for his astonishing range of characters, though he was best known as Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther and its sequels. Grand acteur ! The Party Theatrical release poster. Richard Henry „Peter“ Sellers, CBE (8. září 1925, Southsea – 24. července 1980, Londýn) byl britský herec a komik celosvětově proslavený především sérií filmů o Růžovém panterovi.. Biography; Filmography; Quotes; Awards; Photos; Licensing; Filmography. Illustration by Jack Davis. Peter Sellers CBE (born Richard Henry Sellers; 8 September 1925 – 24 July 1980) was an English film actor, comedian and singer.He performed in the BBC Radio comedy series The Goon Show, featured on a number of hit comic songs and became known to a worldwide audience through his many film roles, among them Chief Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther series of films. – Alice in Wonderland Peter Sellers’ Top 5 Career Defining Films This week we’re marking the 40th anniversary of the death of Peter Sellers with a special celebration of his incredible talent. CGU |
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